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Building your own Indoor Grow Room part 1

Growing indoors has become very popular in resent years. Not just for commercial farms, but for backyard growers as well. The benefit of being able to grow what you want year round is a very appealing to many people, and growing indoors offers the grower the ability to completely control the plants environment. Being […]

Getting Bigger Yields From your Hydroponic Plants

We all want to get the biggest yields, as well as the best tasting produce from our plants that we can. After all isn’t that why we grow them in the first place? But often we can overlook some basic things that affect our plants growth, as well as the quality of what they […]

Using Ultraviolet Light, and Ozone Treatments for Disease Control in Hydroponic Nutrient Solutions

With any hydroponic nutrient solution, there can sometimes be unwanted pathogens, bacteria and/or fungi that can grow out of control in it. It’s not uncommon for these disease and viruses causing microbes to be in the nutrient solution. In fact, it’s very common for many different pathogens, bacteria, and fungi to be in the […]

AeroGarden Review

AeroGarden’s are becoming more and more popular, and some people swear by them. But are they worth the money? That’s really up to your personal preference. It’s a good way to learn the principals of what makes hydroponic systems work. It’s also a self contained everything you need in a box system. Although the […]

Basics of Artificial Light for Hydroponics

Hydroponics is often associated with using artificial light to grow plants, though the term “Hydroponics” simply means “Growing without Soil” and actually has nothing to do with any type of lighting. But a lot of people grow there hydroponic plants inside where there is no natural light, this is where the need for artificial […]

Hydroponics for Beginners

Most new people to hydroponics (newbies) tend to get over whelmed by it all. Is hydroponics complicated? It can be if you try to take on to much at the very start. In fact, it can be quite simple. If you have ever grown plants in soil you can grow plants using hydroponic systems. […]

Complete Mobile Hydroponics Grow Room Trailer

Take a look at this complete mobile hydroponics grow room installed inside custom trailers from Tow & Grow. The fully carbon ventilated trailer includes a 500 gallon temperature controlled nutrient tank and can be outfitted with 2,000 watts to 14,000 watts of digital HPS grow lights.

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Automated Hydroponics System DIY with Growtronix

One of our forum members recently posted some pictures of his automated computer controlled hydroponics growing system. Using a combination of computer and some software and hardware pieces from Growtronix, he is able to automate many functions of his growing systems, as well as monitor and data log many essential environmental conditions.

The Growtronix […]

Heat-Reflecting Technology for Incandescent Bulbs

Incandescent bulbs might be staging a comeback thanks to a new technology that seals the filament in a special, heat-reflecting inner-capsule. The inner capsule of these new bulbs are coated with a material that is able to reflect the heat back onto the filament, part of which is converted back into light. This technology, currently […]