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No matter what your beliefs on the new tougher immigration laws are, you will no doubt notice produce prices rise in the markets. As much as 75% of the migrant workers that work the fields harvesting crops are undocumented workers. As a now Arizona resident, and former southern California resident, I understand the need […]
The search continues for the person or persons responsible for poisoning 7 million tomato seedlings, and nearly 16,000 tomato plants near Queensland, Australia. The 16,000 tomato plants were fruiting and about to be harvested when the poisoner struck, destroying 40 tonnes of produce. A numbers of capsicums, watermelons and eggplants were also killed as […]
With all the environmental issues facing the planet these days, it’s not often you hear about real viable solutions to any of the problems that can be fully taken advantage of right now. But the Science Barge project (started in 2006) is one of those viable solutions. By taking common technology, and combining them […]
These days With the worlds population getting larger, and more and more city’s growing in size, this leaves less and less land to grow food with. As the farms that grow this produce become smaller and farther away from these city’s, this poses a big problem in getting enough fresh produce to these places […]
AeroGarden’s are becoming more and more popular, and some people swear by them. But are they worth the money? That’s really up to your personal preference. It’s a good way to learn the principals of what makes hydroponic systems work. It’s also a self contained everything you need in a box system. Although the […]
Tomatoes are probably the most popular crop to grow hydroponically, for both commercial growers, and home gardeners alike. For anyone who has grown there own tomatoes, they know that a homegrown tomato will have a much better taste than any store bought tomato will. That’s simply because the home gardener will leave the tomatoes […]
Some hydroponic gardeners need help with pollinating there hydroponic systems weather the garden is indoor or outdoor. But especially in indoor gardens like greenhouses and basement gardens because obviously there are no bees there to help pollinate their plants, and depending on the type of plant, or how many plants, hand pollinating can be […]
The 2009 Hooked on Hydroponics grant from the National Gardening Association was awarded to the The Chattanooga Girls Leadership Academy, a single gender, small learning community for girls in grades 6-12.
The girls academy was selected from over 200 youth gardening programs throughout the United States to receive the 2009 Hooked on Hydroponics grant […]
Pictured below is a self-sufficient mini-farm concept of a futuristic kitchen designed by Philips. Creating synergies between the fish, vegetables, plants and algae, this self sustaining biosphere can operate without electricity. The Biotoweruses only water, organic waste and the sun’s energy to power several small ecosystems connected to each other. From top to bottom, […]
Incandescent bulbs might be staging a comeback thanks to a new technology that seals the filament in a special, heat-reflecting inner-capsule. The inner capsule of these new bulbs are coated with a material that is able to reflect the heat back onto the filament, part of which is converted back into light. This technology, currently […]