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Building your own Indoor Grow Room part 2

In part 1, we looked at location, creating a layout, and lighting aspects of building your indoor grow room. In part 2, we’ll take a look at the environmental controls for your grow room. The term “environmental controls” sounds expensive, and scares a lot of people. But it doesn’t need to be. There are […]

Growing Hydroponic Raspberries, part 1

Typically raspberries are not considered good plants to grow hydroponically by growers because they are long term plants that depending on type of raspberry plant, may not produce any fruit in the first year. Because there are no real large producers of out of season raspberry’s in the USA, most of them are imported […]

Organic Hydroponics

Organic, simply means “non artificial,” in other words anything found in nature is organic. In relation to food the dictionary calls it “grown or raised without synthetic fertilizers, or pesticides, or hormones.” There are many harmful compounds found in nature, Including radiation. There are many different views on whether organic foods are really helpful […]

Aeroponics vs Hydroponics

Aeroponics is a slight alteration of the traditional hydroponic system. Aeroponics gets its name because the nutrient solution is mixed with the air (“aero”) using misters or foggers to atomized the nutrient-rich water solution. Aeroponic systems simply uses a mist, or fog, to keep the root systems moist with the nutrient solution by spraying […]

Choosing the Right Homemade Hydroponic System DIY

This hydroponics video tutorial from SureToGrowers goes over the different types of hydroponics systems available that you can build yourself at home. Matt goes over drip hydroponic systems, flood and drain hydroponic systems, deep water culture systems as well as aeroponic systems.
