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RenettaHogan 07-26-2009 10:29 PM

Has anyone out there ever set up fiberoptic lighting for their hydroponic system? I saw a special a while back where people used fiberoptics to give light to their indoor gardens. I was just wondering if such a method would be an alternative to using grow lights and if anyone has had the experience with such. I'd like to learn more about it. I haven't been able to find info online. It seems that with this method, electrical costs would be cut tremendously.

HydroACR 07-27-2009 08:05 PM

There are a couple of systems out there that will bring in sunlight from the outside to indoor spaces via fiber-optics. They use a solar collector that follows the sun, concentrates the light on the fiber bundle, and brings the light inside. I haven't seen an application for hydroponics, the equipment is quite pricey.

Here are two that I've done some looking into:


Parans Solar Lighting

GpsFrontier 07-28-2009 01:34 AM

The last post has reminded me of something similar that I have seen a few times on home improvement shows about living GREEN. Although I have no Idea the cost as compared to a fiber optic system but I understand that because it is more flexable than a regular skylight it is generaly cheaper to install than a regular skylight. This thread has given me some good Ideas.

They basically put a sun collector similar to a Skylight on the roof and use Mirrored Tubing (like your home ducting) to transfer the light to a room in the house that you want the light in but cant use a regular Skylight because it is on the ground floor of a 2 story or the attic is in the way etc.. It is not a fiber optic system but it works much the same way. For those people with large indoor gardens but don't want a large electric bill it could be something to look into because of the Free, natural, pure spectrum lighting. It also adds the light without adding heat to the room cutting cooling and ventilation costs. I did a quick search and found a few links if it is of interest to anyone.

Tubular Skylights, all of the benefits, none of the problems
Natural Sky Lighting
Tubular Skylights

RenettaHogan 12-17-2009 10:37 PM

That's it!!
Thank you for the links. That would be so much more cost effective than fiberoptics. From what I read, these tubes provides the full spectrum of color, which is what is needed for indoor gardening. Very cool

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