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GpsFrontier 08-08-2011 06:03 AM

Beneficial microbes, water quality, and pathogens
I just wanted to post some information about Beneficial microbes, Fungi, and Acids for anyone interested in using them, or just curious about them. As well as some information about water quality, and pathogens as well. These are links to articles that I copied the text (including the link for reference) of and saved it to text documents on my computer. As well as PDF's that I saved to my computer. The articles that have the Online Extras, are those with an extra accompanying PDF to the original article.

Beneficial microbes
Beneficial Biology Demistified
Beneficial Soil Microbes
Biological Products in Indoor Gardens
What Should We Know About Biological Inoculants?
Premium Big Bio-Harvests the Easy Way
The Truth About Microbes-- Microbes in soil and sand-based root zones

Beneficial Fungi
Buying and Applying Mycorrhizal Fungi (including a added online extra)
Understanding and Using Trichoderma Fungi (including a added online extra)

Beneficial Acid
Humic Acid: Black Nectar From The Gods
Humic Acid: The Black Nectar from the Gods
Shopping for Humic Acids (including a added online extra)

Nutrient Temperature: Oxygen and Pythium in Hydroponics
The Pythium Predator
Ask Erik, problems with pythium
Nutrition Solution Problems
Pythium or Algae: Have You Been Misdiagnosed? (including a added online extra)
The Fungus Among Us!
Plant Disease in hydroponic systems (scroll down the page)

Water Quality
Water Wisdom For Hydroponics
Hydroponic H2O: Water Quality and Treatment (including a added online extra)
Clean Water Supplies for Hydroponics
Ultraviolet Sterilization Technology

Related Topics
Keeping Roots in Tip-Top Condition
Moisture Matters
Root Zone Chilling: Handling the Heat
Application Parameters for Using Compost Tea (including a added online extra)
Nutrient Management

Introduction to Hydroponics and Controlled Environment Agriculture
Though this isn't exactly about the topic if this thread, it is a great resource for information. Writen by Dr. Patricia Rorabaugh, Plant Sciences, at University of Arizona Controlled Environment Agriculture Center. It's a 140 page handbook (70 if printed on both sides) covering various aspects of hydroponics. Scroll down the page to the "Curriculum" section. Each chapter is in PDF and can be printed out separately. I printed out all the chapters, and put it in a 3 ring binder (with plastic sheet covers) for easy reference.

PLS 217 Introduction to Hydroponics and CEA

Well Ironically, I still haven't found the PDF document I was looking for on my computer that outlines what to look for in a high quality beneficial microbe product. I'll try searching for it again tomorrow, but for now I'll try and post what I can from memory.

High quality Beneficial microbe products include
1. A wide range of different species of beneficial microbes
2. Wide working temperature range
3. Certified Organic
4. Long Shelf Life
5. Come in both liquid and dry

Low quality Beneficial microbe products basically just reflect the opposite of those qualities in a high quality product. And just a friendly bit of advice, stay away from products made by "Advanced Nutrients." They have a bad reputation for low quality products. They also have earned a "F" rating from BBB (Better Business Bureau).

T'Mater 08-08-2011 12:19 PM

Well looks like more reading for me. I don't have a clue as to what most that stuff is.

Thanks GPS

crad 08-08-2011 12:21 PM

Thank You Sir

GpsFrontier 08-09-2011 04:43 AM

No problem, just like to share what I can. I haven't read through them all yet, because I just don't have enough time to do everything. Though I can still share them with everyone else if their interested. So I tried to organize the articles in a way to make it easier for people to find what their interested in. I've researched most of the authors, so I feel their creditable sources. I simply stay away from (generally ignore) manufacturers propaganda, and look for authorities in the field/s they write about instead.

But please don't refer to me as "sir." That makes me feel old, and I refuse to grow up yet. I'm a young 42 physically, but still in my teens mentally.

GpsFrontier 11-15-2011 02:32 AM

In my search for Trichoderma products today (beneficial microbes) for my greenhouse production, I came across this article and thought it would be good share it with the forum members.

Trichoderma in Hydroponic Systems

I haven't read it yet, but I saved it on my computer in a text document (as I do with all good articles), and printed it out for me to read tomorrow. It was written by Dr Lynette Morgan, so it is well worth reading. And going by the section titles, the article looks to be the about the most informative I have seen yet on using the beneficial microbes "Trichoderma" in hydroponic systems.

CAPT38 01-22-2013 04:23 PM


Originally Posted by GpsFrontier (Post 8573)
In my search for Trichoderma products today (beneficial microbes) for my greenhouse production, I came across this article and thought it would be good share it with the forum members.

Trichoderma in Hydroponic Systems

I haven't read it yet, but I saved it on my computer in a text document (as I do with all good articles), and printed it out for me to read tomorrow. It was written by Dr Lynette Morgan, so it is well worth reading. And going by the section titles, the article looks to be the about the most informative I have seen yet on using the beneficial microbes "Trichoderma" in hydroponic systems.

Have you found any hydroponic products containing trich? If you haven't I can make you a culture, I get it in my mushroom cultures all the time.

GpsFrontier 01-22-2013 11:12 PM

Yes, I have, although Trichoderma products aren't exactly cheep. I think the best source I found is from Bioworks. BioWorks Inc. However because of cost, for now I'm using general hydroponics sub-culture b. Though the sub-culture B isn't a straight Trichoderma product, it does contain Trichoderma fungi spores. I can get it locally, and runs me about $40 for 7 oz. When I get some money rolling in from the greenhouse, I plan to switch to the Bioworks product for the Trichoderma. But I need to have it shipped from a vendor, and if I remember correctly I think the smallest quantity is about a pound and runs about $90+tax and shipping.

The Mycorrhizae fungi is much cheaper. A one pound container runs me about $12-$13 xtax, and I can get that from the hydro shop here in town as well. Rooters Mycorrhizae S.P. 1lb.

CAPT38 01-23-2013 08:54 PM

I haven't looked for any commercial microbial products yet, but was thinking, that they would be on the expensive side, because I'm sure they are cultured in a sterilized lab environment, flow hoods, autoclaves, and microscopes aren't cheap, not to mention the biologists salary. But I'm glad you found an affordable product. The cost of organic nutrients is the number one factor, why I am planning to start brewing my own compost tea. Happy growing !!!! P.S. I noticed that some of the links in your post are broken, I really was really interesting in reading the on*the parameters for using compost tea, and nutrient management. I keep getting a 101 error when I click the link.

GpsFrontier 01-24-2013 04:43 AM

Hello CAPT38,
Ya, I posted that about a year and half ago. In that time Maximum yield has changed their website around. So all of their archived article links changed, thus don't work anymore. But as with most good articles, I save them in text documents on my computer. So I still have it stored on my computer. If you send me a private message with a e-mail address you want me to send it to, I can send it to you in a text document. I also have other documents/articles related to compost teas and beneficial microbes I could send you as well if you want.

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