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OChydro 01-26-2010 04:38 PM

What experience do the hydro masses have with foggers? I would like to try them in my strawberry system.

I have my unit almost done and I am going to order the stolons. I want to run the system as an NFT but in the beginning I will have to keep the cocoa chips wet and that would require ebb and flo or sprayers. My thought is that if a can run a fogger at one end of the 4 inch sewer tube it and blow it down the 8 ft run I can run the system one way without having to change it along the way. It would just be simpler. I might even have to have 2 or 3 foggers.

What is available out there and it must not be too expensive.

GpsFrontier 01-27-2010 04:13 AM

I have not yet used the foggers but plan to, here is a thread that has some discussion about foggers:

Here is a video that was posted in that thread on building your own fogger:
YouTube video

ultrasonic foggers or mist makers are what to look for when searching to buy these. If you don't feel like building your own I think the foggers that are sold with Halloween supply's will work. Someone mentioned getting the ones that are Teflon lined or they may clog. I have read that you can clean them with a Q-tip and vinegar to clean the salts off (vinegar cleans the salts off grow rocks), and here are a few places that sell replacement discs:
Mist Makers
Replacement ceramic disk for ultrasonic water fogger

Here is a link to a company that makes them for hydroponics:

The company does not sell them on the website, they sell them to retailers that sell them to the public. Though there is a phone number to call them. There foggers are not cheep, if I remember correctly they run about $300-$400.

I have not yet used the foggers but plan to. Here are a few links I found. Also the more jets/Disc it has the more fog it will create.
Ultrasonic Water Fogger-The Mist Maker
YouTube - Fun with ultrasonic fogger
Pond Lighting & Water Features: Ultrasonic Disc Foggers

smurf 01-27-2010 05:51 PM

well, then I dont think there is more here i can add then ^ good info.

garcrob 04-15-2010 04:45 PM

foggers work great
i have a few plants i am growing, i started them in a jiffy hot house in soil
then transfered them into hydroten and into a dwc system now with a fogger

before the fogger i didn't have any roots on the plants, they were in there for a week or so, i put the fogger in next day 4 of my plants had 1/4 inch roots hanging off the bottom, no joke the next day.

GpsFrontier 04-15-2010 09:32 PM


before the fogger i didn't have any roots on the plants, they were in there for a week or so, i put the fogger in next day 4 of my plants had 1/4 inch roots hanging off the bottom, no joke the next day.
I haven't used a flogger as of yet, but plan too. You wouldn't have any pictures of the setup and/or progress would you?

garcrob 04-15-2010 09:55 PM

i dont and i came home today to find that my fogger isn't working, I am not happy, i am going to get a multi head one this weekend, i found a few places online that sell em real cheap, go to google shopping and type ultrasonic fogger they are between 25-30 and the 3 head one is around 50 i think,

i will have some pics up when i get the new one, there is a youtube video of a guy building one using pvc fence post and a fogger, as long as the fogger has a consistient source of water it will generate fog i beleive it is through sound waves emitted by the disc and think some settlement got into mine and clogged it, i tried to clean it but nothing.

GpsFrontier 04-16-2010 02:22 AM


tere is a youtube video of a guy building one using pvc fence post and a fogger,
Yes,not sure if this is the same one but this one was posted in this thread earlier:
YouTube - Build a Aeroponic Fogger for your hydroponic system
Sorry to hear that wasn't working when you got home, it would be great if you could give details as to why not. From what I have found they will need a continues supply of water (it wont work if it runs dry). They can clog but not in one week from what I have found. There are replacement kits, but they should last much longer than that. Also it seems to work good as a combination (flood and drain-aeroponic) system. Using the fogger as a supplement.

garcrob 04-16-2010 12:02 PM

i tried to take the disc off the top but it seems glued in, i sprayed it with the hose on high presure, it spurts a bubble of fog here and there but nothing worth while.

also it was fully submerged about 1.75-2 inches of water, i have the bubblers in there but i just feel the roots get more benefit with the fog

garcrob 04-16-2010 12:12 PM

anybody out there with sugestions on a new fogger
i need to buy a new fogger and i am looking for suggestions from someone who has one that has been in opperation for a while, if anyone has some suggestions i would like to hear them

Luches 04-17-2010 05:15 AM

Why don't you get yourself the real thing, as in a nutramist fogger worth $370.00 :D

the real thing!

Or maybe a Teflon coated ceramic transducer from $29.95 will do it ;)

Teflon coated ceramic transducer

GpsFrontier 04-18-2010 05:44 AM

I don't know what type of flogger you are using (Teflon or not), but from what I understand the Teflon lined ones should last much longer. I also posted earlier in the thread that using a Q-tip and vinegar may be able to clean it off (Teflon or not) you may give that a try. Though this may be annoying if it's not a Teflon lined disc (and needing to do it more often).

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