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phuongdv 07-31-2018 06:24 AM

The difference between Hydroponics & Aquaponics
Hydroponics and aquaponics have some similarities. Both use high-nutrient water that is oxidized to the roots of the plants to be bathed continuously, and in both systems we find higher growth rates than those planted on the soil.

Although Aquaponics borrows heavily from domestic plant culture such as deep-water culture (NFT), nutrient technology and DWC, there are still significant differences.

Cost of Nutrient Chemistry: In a plant growing system in the country, chemical nutrients used to grow plants are quite expensive and costs are rising due to the exploitation and scarcity of resources. In an aquaponic system, with such a space you will spend a great deal of money on fish food and electricity for the pump. This cost is similar to the cost spent on the annual Hydropnics nutrient solution. But with the Aquaponics system you will never have to rinse and replace the nutrient.

Retention of nutrients: In some stages, water in the hydroponic systems needs to be unloaded because of the accumulation of salt and chemicals to the extent that it becomes toxic to the plant.
Where wastewater is treated it needs to be carefully considered, but in an aquaponic system, there is a natural balance of nitrogen and water so that we never have to replace the water in the tank. Fresh and only added by evaporation.

Productivity: This has been demonstrated in numerous studies and studies indicating that once Aquaponics biofilter is fully established (after an interval of 6 months), a Aquaponics gardener will often see results. faster and more efficiently on plant growth than on the domestic plantings of hydroponics systems.

vasanthanju 11-24-2018 07:05 AM

To know more about hydroponics click Hydroponics system India

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