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Marleyuk 01-21-2018 07:55 AM

Vertical Ebb & Flow - Drains too quickly
Hi all,

I have a vertical stack consisting of 6 levels, with a pump that fills the top level and drains through the remaining 5 and back into the bucket.

I want each level to fill to a higher level and hold the water longer before draining to the next, but have been unable to find any taps / filters that support this approach.

Has anyone seen anything that might help hold the water longer before draining?


GpsFrontier 01-21-2018 03:36 PM

If you post pictures of your system and how it works, I might be able to give you some suggestions.

Marleyuk 01-22-2018 07:55 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Hi Gps,

I’ve attached a pic of my two units.

The plan is to have a water bucket on the bottom and pump water / nutrients to the top.

I’d like the top level water tray to fill up (roughly 1”) before allowing the water to drain out to the next level down.


GpsFrontier 01-22-2018 09:39 PM

hello Marleyuk,
I still can't see any details of your design but what if you extended the drain line up through the bottom and set it to the water level you wanted. Then made some tiny holes inside on the drain line farther down where you wanted the water level when the pump was shut off. That way the water will fill to the level you wanted and will only empty when the pump is shut off.

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