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mattlandry 03-25-2014 06:53 PM

Tomato problems
1 Attachment(s)
Having problems with Dutch bucket setup for tomatoes. New leaves look great on plant. Older leaves are curling and wilting. PH of water is 5.9, ppm is 1100, and ec is 1.53. Using a 20-18-38 nutrient mixture. Some plants have small tomatoes on them. At a lost, about to pull plant up and replace. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated

Stan 03-25-2014 10:04 PM

I have always had the bottom leaves on my tomato plants curl up. I usually just cut them off. Here's a link to a post with pics I had posted a ways back and you can clearly see the leaves are curled up on the bottom but also had plenty of tomatoes growing.
The following year I had the same happen and I cut all the curled leaves off and had an incredible amount of tomatoes compared to the year b4.
What type of tomato plants are you growing and how many tomatoes on each plant?

HydroExplorer 04-17-2014 02:43 PM

I have these same two problems.

Calcium and Magnesium deficiency. The curling up leaves is calcium and the chlorosis there at the top of your plant is magnesium. This started happening on my tomato plant after it started to go to fruit.

People make CaMg supplements you can try to clear this issue up. Definitely check pH after adding them.

I'm hoping to resolve my issue this weekend by doing a water change using distilled water. I got the consult from a grower that knows a lot more about hydro than I do. I'm a newbie.

There are probably diseases that do that too but I'm pretty sure this one is a deficiency issue. Ask an expert :)

mj2 04-18-2014 08:31 AM

What is the nute mixture made up of? If it is just NPK with those numbers it wont work... as mentioned above, need calcium (and salt)..

HydroExplorer 04-19-2014 10:35 PM

Try diluting milk and doing a foliar feed. See if the droopiness improves. You can foliar feed with milk to fix a calcium deficiency. The reason I say to do it with diluted milk is that the stoma on a plant's leaves act like a human's lungs. Snorting drugs into your lungs makes them enter your system immediately. The same thing happens to a plant when you spray stuff on the underside of the leaves.

Foliar feeding is the quickest way to resolve a nutrient deficiency. It's also the quickest way to OD your plant, so start small and apply more doses as needed.

If you let your plant bear fruit before you fix the droopiness you will get blossom end rot.

I did a water change and added a diluted Ca Mg supplement and my plants have bounced back bigtime. I was having the same problem you currently are but not as severely.

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