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Carlos 01-30-2009 03:32 AM

tomato harvest
Hello Ron i am from Venezuela and i have checked out your tomato harvest chart and i notice that
there is only nearly two months of harvest and it seems to me that the amount is low comparing with
what i have read in books, any how as i am new to hydroponics i will like to know from an expert
like you because my idea is to start as practice, but go into comercial sistem as soon as possible,
keep up the good labor Ron, your helping a lot of people like me new in this system
Carlos M

Ron 01-30-2009 03:33 AM

Yes Carlos you are right about the low tomato count. For serious commercial production you use
hybrid tomato seeds breed just for hydroponics. I don't have a fully enclosed climate controlled
greenhouse yet so I am at the mercy of the weather even here in Florida. Mostly from the heat. I also
didn't use any pesticide or fungicide which on a commercial scale it's hard to avoid.
I basically neglect the hell out of them but I make sure the tanks are full of nutrient solution and they
are being watered.
I figure if I can grow anything under those conditions then just think what I could do under optimum
PS Just remember to do as I say and not as I do.

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