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superman 06-11-2010 12:26 PM

I believe i am having a pollination problem
I have flowers on my indoor hydroponic tomatoes but they don't seem to be pollinating i do occasionally give them a pretty hefty few shakes but they still don't seem to be going. The reason i am worried is i planted some plants outside (soil) as well but i planted them like prolly 3-4 weeks after my indoor hydroponic ones and they have tomatoes coming on them.

An suggestions for pollination would be helpful

thank you

GpsFrontier 06-11-2010 09:02 PM

You could add a couple of oscillating fans to help with air circulation.

superman 06-11-2010 09:34 PM


Originally Posted by GpsFrontier (Post 4967)
You could add a couple of oscillating fans to help with air circulation.

will the movement of the plants from the fans cause the pollination or just the blowing air?

GpsFrontier 06-11-2010 09:54 PM

The air movement (wind) should help pollinate the tomato plants, and the oscillating movement should also help shake the plants a little. As well as move the air in all directions, rather than in just one direction. But if you don't have a oscillating fan, than a regular fan should still help.

tbaleno 11-16-2010 12:02 AM

This is an old thread, but I thought I would add my two cents in case others come across it.

What I do is use an electric tooth brush. I just turn it on touch the stem near the flowers for a few seconds. This beats the living daylights out of the tomatoes and there is no way the pollen isn't going to get spread around.

I currently have 4 tomato plants growing that just started to flower. I have 2 of the flowers showing pea sized green tomatoes now. I'm sure it won't be long before the other flowers do their thing.

Amigatec 11-17-2010 09:13 PM

I just shake the plants a few times a day. Works for me.

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