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GpsFrontier 01-01-2011 03:23 AM

Free Virtual Grower Program
Hello to all,
I was looking through some other stuff when I came across something that I thought might be useful to someone else. It's a software program that has many functions for greenhouse growers. Including calculating heating and lighting costs, even projected plant growth, and yearly (and monthly) production costs.

Application Technology Research Unit Products and Services

Click on the "Download " link, then fill in the in you information (I faked it), from there click on the "Take Me To The Download" button at the bottom of the page. Then just download and install the program. It's a free program by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), and the Agricultural Research Service (ARS). I haven't had time to play with it much (I just downloaded it today), but it's priced right (Free) and from a good reliable source. I just thought it might be useful for some people, especially if they have more time to play with it.

one800fish 01-03-2011 12:20 PM

Thanks for the link GpsFrontier.
I downloaded and ran it. Pretty cool.
But we all know the government doesn't tell us everything so I would like to ask your opinon as to what you think is the most "energy efficient"/economical material with which to build a greenhouse.
I guess what I'm asking is ...if you were starting from scratch , knowing what you know now, what would YOU do. How and of what would you build a greenhouse?
I guess thats a big question but:
"To know the road ahead, ask those coming back."
Chinese Proverb

GpsFrontier 01-03-2011 10:00 PM

Hello one800fish,
Well personally I don't think there is any one material or greenhouse design that stands out as better. The way I see it is that every situation is different, and the cost of materials may not be the same everywhere.Or what you have to spend. Not to mention the type of plants (and how many of them) you wanted to grow. All in all, there are a lot of variables to consider before building a greenhouse. As for me there are really two types I'm leaning towards:

First one is a hop-house design like this:
http://www.pvcplans.com/ArchGrnHouse.pdf (coverd with polyethylene film)

The other one really suites my needs, go to this link:
Horticultural Engineering - Rutgers University

Then click on "2003-2007 High Tunnel Project" right under the picture. Then scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on "Pictures of High Tunnel Construction and Preparation" there are 60 pictures of the construction process. I like this design because the sides roll up, that would be necessary during the summer where I live. In fact during summer I would most likely even cover it with shade cloth, instead of the polyethylene film.

If you are wanting to build a large greenhouse here are a few links to some really good information:

GREENHOUSE PRESENTATIONS (list of greenhouse pdf's)
Creating a Master Plan for Greenhouse Operations (pdf)
REFERENCE SOURCES (list of greenhouse pdf's)
Greenhouse Design

one800fish 01-04-2011 02:19 PM

Thanks for the advice and the links. I think I prefer the low cost option,
link below

Constructing a Simple PVC High Tunnel

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