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sylvestris 01-13-2011 03:36 AM

Distance from plants 200 CFL

I recently got my 200 w 6500 K CFL. At what distance from the plants should i keep it?

I think i had it too low at one point cus the leaves got dry burned spots. So i've raised it now to about 10 cm from the plant tops.

GpsFrontier 01-13-2011 05:41 AM

Typically with florescent lighting you want them as close to the plants as possible, but without burning the leaves. 10 cm will probably be a good distance, if it's uncomfortable to hold your hand that close, it's going to be uncomfortable for the plants as well.

sylvestris 01-13-2011 02:39 PM

Thanks again GpsFrontier! :)

At the distance the light is now i only feel heat, but it wont burn me, just a little hotter than in the rest of the room

sylvestris 01-26-2011 10:20 AM

Hi again!

I raised the lamp to about 20 cm from the plant tops this time and it seems the leaves are doing better. With the lamp at 10 cm from the tops the leaves curled up. Is curled leaves a sign of too much light/heat?

GpsFrontier 01-26-2011 06:03 PM

Do you have any questions. To the best of my knowledge, too much light wont cause curling leaves, and I have never herd of too much light using florescent lights. Possibly too much heat, but I'm sure it would have happened before you raised them. The temp at the plant canopy (tops) should feel about 80%-85% depending on the type of plant, and probably about 75% for lettuce. What type of plants are they (I don't remember if you mentioned that before)?

If the leaves are curling abnormally, I would wonder if the nutrient solution is too strong (especially for young plants).

1. Are you mixing the nutrients full strength?
2. Is there any discoloration on the leaves?
3. Are the edges of the leaves turning brown?
4. What's the pH of the nutrient solution?

sylvestris 01-26-2011 06:15 PM


1. yes im using full strength nutes
2. Yeah there are brown areas, spots, on some leaves. And a little on the leaf edges.
3.ph is around 6.0

Thanks :)

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