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budbon 05-30-2015 07:59 AM

Ph Meter
Do all Ph meters need the 3 or 4 calibration solutions? Is there a recommendation for a decent meter under $100?

GpsFrontier 05-30-2015 08:34 PM

Don't waste your money on a pH meter. Anything decent will cost you about $100 or more, and even if you calibrate and store them properly witch is a big hassle in itself, they can still give you false results. To check pH use the pH drops from general hydroponics. pH drops only cost about $9 and wont give you false results, you don't need to buy calibration fluid for them, you don't need to calibrate and store them properly, and you don't need to buy them batteries. If you do decide to get a pH meter anyway, make sure you have pH drops as well so you can check to see if the meter is working correctly.

budbon 05-30-2015 08:52 PM

What effect does the color of the nute water have on thr readings?

GpsFrontier 05-30-2015 09:05 PM

None at all.

budbon 05-30-2015 09:08 PM

I only ask because the nutes in the water add discoloration.

GpsFrontier 05-30-2015 09:13 PM

Yes I know, some nutes will turn the water a green, some turn the water a brown, some turn the water pink. etc. etc... But that won't have any affect on the color of the pH drops test results at all.

budbon 05-30-2015 09:24 PM

Okay thanks.

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