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Jason 02-07-2009 04:22 AM

time plants should stay in the solution
Dear Ron, I have used your plans for the 11 plant system, thanks for providing them, although I am a bit confused on the amount of time the plants should stay in and out of the solution. I am planning on growing container tomatoes in my green house the aggregate that I will be using is leca or the puffed clay. I would also appreciate advice on the best seed starting method. Many Thanks, Jason

Ron 02-07-2009 04:23 AM

The roots only need to be watered every 15 minutes or so. The plants don't need to sit in the nutrient solution longer than it takes to fill the garden. The overflow is provided for people with timers that run longer than it takes to just fill the garden. If it takes 3 minutes to fill the garden to the correct height then set your timer to come on for three minutes every 15 minutes. That is if you can set your timer to do that.

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