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Old 01-31-2009, 03:51 AM
Jazz Jazz is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2009
Posts: 3
Default liquid type organics

Hey Ron what happend to the BBS?? Oh well, this is still one of the better sites anyhow.

Ok, this may sound stainge but I've only used liquid type organics in any setup I've playd with. I'll mix the nutes let them sit for about a day to let things get going(organisms to start breaking down material) and then use. I change the salution about once a week checking the ph and adjusting daily. So far so good but I've been talked into trying the General Hydro formula as the main fertilizer and just suplimenting with organics. I know that this is the type of ferts to be using to begin with but my roots came from the ground (heheheh). Any comments??????

Also, I will be messing with a small aero unit (the main reason for the GH nutes) and it was sudjested that I get a TDS meter to messure the ppm (strength)of the solution for this type of setup and so that I'm not throwing away good mixture and I am told that aero is tuchy ect. ect. watever. I'm a DIY type of guy, everything is homemade mainly for money reasons and I don't know if I can/want to afford 60-100+ for such an instrament. Is there a cheaper way?? Do they work the same as a multy test meter(ohms)?? Any comments are greatly apritiated.

Play it All That Jazz

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