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Old 08-28-2011, 06:37 PM
jamromhem jamromhem is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2011
Location: Central Florida
Posts: 143

I just had a thought on a way for you to push earlier production. If you were to keep a tomato plant (one for each variety you want) over the winter. either in hydro or dirt. come time you would normally be seeding you could start rooting some cuttings. Even if the winter plant never produces for you for one reason or another. This will give you a few week head start on the new season. This is something I am going to be trying myself. I have a friend who is going to be dirt growning some plants, as well as I will probably want more once these get going.

I will be keeping my tomatoes in a constant cycle. I am planning on 3 plants of each type going at a time. Each at different ages. and probably 3 systems running separately to prevent total loses.

This is just an idea. You can decide if you are going to do anything with it :P
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