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How likely is mold indoors?

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Old 05-13-2011, 04:19 PM
silkcom silkcom is offline
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Default How likely is mold indoors?

I have a friend who used to grow "medicine" indoors and says that I should look out for the amount of mold that will come from growing indoors. I'm starting with just lettuce and herbs but hope to be able to do tomatos, peppers and cucumbers. How likely is it to get mold in such systems? I'm in the basement, but the walls do have drywall on one side of the small room. there's not a great way to vent the room, at least not to the outdoors.

Has anyone had any problems with this in the long run?

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Old 05-14-2011, 02:18 AM
GpsFrontier GpsFrontier is offline
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Mold is very likely, even more so inside than outside. Anywhere you have air, the spores can travel. Under the right heat and humidity levels the spores will germinate. Growing inside your much more likely to be providing the best conditions for the spores to germinate. There's all kinds of mold/fungus, some attack wood and household framing, some grow on just about anything, some will only grow on certain types of plants. You can use a good quality air filtration system to filter airborne spores if it's a problem in your area (like a hepa filter). You want a filter with an absolute micron size of 1 micron to trap spores. Sometimes they have used hepa air filters at the thrift stores here for about $20-$30.
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Old 05-14-2011, 10:57 AM
silkcom silkcom is offline
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So getting a heap filter should remove the problem? Or will it just make the problem slower? I mean obviously there's no sure fire way to completely remove the possibility of mold or we'd have one in every bathroom, but has anyone used a filter and not had a problem with mold for a few years?

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