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Why a Greenhouse to grow Raspberries? There are some specific advantages to growing raspberries in a greenhouse over field grown berry’s. First, raspberries have a relatively low chilling requirement for over-wintering, about 45 days below 45°F. Then the plants can be brought into the greenhouse from the cold to bring them out of dormancy […]
Aquaponics, also known as the integration of hydroponics with aqua culture, is gaining increased attention as a bio-integrated food production system. Hydroponics and aquaponics are close and often considered the same, but there are some distinct differences. With aquaponics, fish and plants are grown together in one integrated living soil-less ecosystem. The biggest difference […]
With all the environmental issues facing the planet these days, it’s not often you hear about real viable solutions to any of the problems that can be fully taken advantage of right now. But the Science Barge project (started in 2006) is one of those viable solutions. By taking common technology, and combining them […]
After all, if growing Hydroponically was so great wouldn’t everyone be doing it? Well that’s a good question, but the truth is not really. There are many alternate forums of energy, but oil and coal are still the most common forms of energy that the world rely’s on. Even with the strong need to […]
Growing Medium basically takes the place of soil in a hydroponic system. True the nutrients replace the soil in a hydroponic system, but the root system still needs to be able to support the weight of plant. A growing medium is the substrate that the roots grow into that allows the plants to be […]
Organic, simply means “non artificial,” in other words anything found in nature is organic. In relation to food the dictionary calls it “grown or raised without synthetic fertilizers, or pesticides, or hormones.” There are many harmful compounds found in nature, Including radiation. There are many different views on whether organic foods are really helpful […]
The General Hydroponics AeroFlo2 18 pod growing system comes with a 17-gallon reservoir and 18 plant sites, the AeroFlo² 18 site is a good starter system for those who want a compact, high performance hydroponics system that is well-suited to growing lettuce, basil, and other small plants up to three feet in height.
The […]
Hydrofarm’s Homegarden hydroponic growing system is great for beginners and enthusiast of hydroponics. No gardening experience is needed, the system takes up very little space and is very energy efficient. The Homegarden system automatically feeds and waters your plants using an aeration hydroponic circulation system. This hydroponic system includes a built in water view […]