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Conversation Between fintuckyfarms and Mattm
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4
  1. fintuckyfarms
    11-30-2013 05:37 PM
    Umm. I never really measure. Just a good lug lug for 50 gallons. If i need more i add more. Im sure you wil find some measurements on line as well as people who say not to use it. It works well for me. As for the dawn, i think a teaspoon in a large spray bottle.
  2. Mattm
    09-25-2013 01:09 AM
    Thanks for response. I bought a cheap sediment filter at home depot and hooked it up. What ratio of hydro peroxide to nutrient tank? I use a 100 gallon tank with water and nuts. I had read about the food grade hydro perox for algae. I'll try the dawn water mix. How much dawn to water?
  3. fintuckyfarms
    09-24-2013 10:39 PM
    Sorry it took me so long to notice that I had a pending message. I also would be worried about it. If you look at GPS frontiers past "greenhouse" posts, he has pictures of a filter system he built using parts from Home Depot. Also you can use some hydrogen peroxide to help keep the yuckies out of the tank. I don't use pesticides or fungicides. I only use dawn diluted in a spray bottle, spray in the morning and wash it off at night. Takes care of all the bugs. I answer my facebook messages a little faster either at Tracy Garrison Christensen or Tri-City Hydroponic Gardeners.
  4. Mattm
    09-17-2013 03:19 AM
    Question on rainwater for my hydro reservoirs. I have a 250 gallon cistern that catches rain from roof gutter system. I'm worried about E coli or other harmful pathogens getting in water. What do you think? I have insect screen placed over cistern opening but I worry about iguana or bird shit contamination-. Should I try to filter the water first or am I over thinking it. Also, any advice on pesticides or fungicides?

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