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Wantin 02-07-2009 01:02 AM

"Foliar feeding"
Ron, I have the 11-plant set up, i am using the 3-part flora series for nutrients, running 2-MH 400w for lights, and need a little info on "Foliar feeding"-not sure on the spelling. Anyway-using a spray bottle and misting the plants. Would this help/hurt anything? How often? If i do this should I use the same mixture as I do for my tank, or would you suggest a different mix. I read somewhere that using 1 tsp baking soda mixed with a gal. of water would be good for this because it would discourage fungus growth on my plants. What do ya think? Wantin to mist a bit.

Ron 02-07-2009 01:02 AM

Foliar feeding is very good for plants. Only use at the proper mix that it says on the bottle. I wouldn't use any home made mixes because you could burn them up but 1 tsp of baking soda sounds OK. Let us know if it works because fungus and mold is a big problem for indoor growers.
Also don't mist with your lights on; for obvious reasons.

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