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fifesfinest 03-11-2010 05:20 PM

newbi here, hi all
only 4 weeks into my bloom stage and the buds are white tipped all ready and sticky, how come? to early is it not? dont know what to do either keep going or cut down. HELP PLS

ohman11 03-11-2010 05:38 PM

Smoke another one dude

GpsFrontier 03-11-2010 06:26 PM

I assume your growing something to smoke. Trim the leaves off that grow out of the buds while they are small, before they have a chance to get big and suck up all the THC. Yes the final bud size will be smaller but the buds will be much more potent that way (ever bought leafy bud?). You can still smoke the leaves you trim off from the buds. We used to stick them in the microwave on high for a few seconds to dry them out fast and then smoke them right away. Also you can get the plant to concentrate on the buds by systematically plucking all the main leaves off the plant.

Start from the bottom and pluck the oldest ones first, only a few at a time, but every day or couple of days depending on how many you pluck. By doing it systematically like that you wont put the plant in shock, and it will focus all its energy on the growing the buds. Its been a long time, but I think about 2 months was what we waited before harvesting. We hosed off the potting soil from the roots, then wrapped the roots up and hung the plant upside down to dry in the closet. There is no clear cut sign to harvest that I know of, but the longer you wait the bigger they seem to get.

P.S. The sticker the better, all those little white crystal's make it sticky and hold plenty of THC. We needed manicuring scissors to break it up, and a razor blade to scrape all the crystal's off of the scissors. But it would still stick to our fingers like tape anyway.

eduardomachado 03-11-2010 11:19 PM

this post makes me lose the respect from some people.... Illegal stuff should not be discussed in a place like this...

GpsFrontier 03-12-2010 02:43 AM


Originally Posted by eduardomachado (Post 4315)
this post makes me lose the respect from some people.... Illegal stuff should not be discussed in a place like this...

Sorry, I don't mean to offend anyone, and I am not condoning or even suggesting that anyone do anything illegal. But you should realize that marijuana is not completely illegal, and this website is part of the world wide web. There are places on this planet that marijuana is actually legal. In the USA (where I live) there are people who legally grow medical marijuana. In fact I even know someone personally (friend of a friend) who legal grows it in Temecula California. There is even a school in Oakland California that teaches how to grow cannabis for the medical industry. The school is called Oaksterdam University (a pun for Oakland and Amsterdam), they even have a Los Angeles Campus, a North Bay Campus and a Michigan Campus.

Whether marijuana is legal or not legal is up to the politics of where you live, it's simply not a good idea to discuss religion or politics in a forum. But the fact is marijuana is not illegal everywhere, and not under all circumstances either. The question I replied to makes no mention of any of the circumstances, location, or even age of person growing it. There simply is nothing that actually says that the person is doing anything illegal, and it would be presumptuous of me to assume so. Now that said, I could go into my personal views on weather marijuana should be legal everywhere, as well as my views on any age limits and/or restrictions (like they do with alcohol and tobacco), but this isn't the place for that (because that all about politics).

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