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-   -   Bell pepper dropping fruit and tomato not producing buds (http://www.hydroponicsonline.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1994)

mwulvik 05-14-2011 02:06 AM

Bell pepper dropping fruit and tomato not producing buds
My problem: I have 3 plants ATM strawberry, tomato, and bell pepper. The strawberry is really struggling, it has one strawberry that is almost red but really tiny. The plant hasn't grown a whole lot. I think this is my fault as I messed up my nutrients the first go around... ppm was over 2k lol. Oh well not to concerned I have chocked it up to a loss. My bell pepper and tomato are doing great sorta... All plants received the initial shock from the nutes FYI. I have since corrected it. I am currently at 1k ppm with about 16hrs of light time with a 400watt metal halide that's less than a foot away now. The tomato is growing on average 2 inches a day producing lots of leaves but 0 flower buds. The bell pepper on the other hand is not getting much taller but producing lots of leaves and buds. The problem with the bell pepper is that once a pepper appears it falls off completely stem and all. They don't get much bigger than an eraser before dropping.

ppm - 1k
ph - 5.9
water temp - 70 (electronically controlled)
nutes - cns17
light time - 16 hrs
fans - 2 oscillating
grow medium - hydroton
system - ebb n flow
air stones - 2 10"
plant age - 3-4 weeks
tomato plant height - 19"
bell pepper height - 10"
strawberry height - 5-6"
grow medium - hydroton
feed times - was one 15 min cycle every fours hrs last week now one 15 min cycle every hour
Roots- bell pepper and tomato really healthy white roots and strawberry has brown roots which i cut off mostly in hopes that the few white roots it had would take over.
insects- caught one spider the other day and exterminated him other than that plants are closely monitored numerous times a day and I haven't seen anything! :)

I occasionally pour pure Ph balanced water over the roots to help with washing away salt build up.

Sorry for the book but I am new to hydroponics and wanted to give as much info as possible. Any help would be great!

Rkfm 05-18-2011 07:20 AM

Hmmm, you seem to have great environmental conditions. The early nute burn could be responsible for the slow growth of the tomato plant, what is the maturity date for the tomato variety?

The blossom drop on the cucumber is caused by lack of calcium. Not necessarily because there is a lack of calcium in the nutes, but uptake problems. Usually the uptake problem is from too high temp in the water/root zone or lack of O2. But from your specs that doesn't seem to be the case.

Maybe try a blooming formula for the cucumbers.

From my experience with tomato plants (but not cucumbers) is that the first few flowers seem to drop regardless of conditions. Might be the case with the cucumbers. Also, sometimes small shocks (like the nute burns) can cause a flowering plant to flower too early, so those early flowers/fruits are not very strong.

GpsFrontier 05-18-2011 07:21 AM

Is this multiple setups, or are all plants in the same setup? Any pictures of both the plants as well as the roots?

mwulvik 05-18-2011 08:19 AM

I'm not sure how cucumbers came into play lol. Yes all plants are in the same ebb n flow. It's a home made system out of two rubbermaid containers. I just purchased some cal mag and some new nutrients... Gh flora I believe. The temps are not too high I have three fans blowing to displace any heat from the light and to add some stress to promote healthy stalks. I don't have any pics ATM will take some though. The tomato and bellpeppers roots look pretty good white but the have recently developed brown tips. I added some peroxide but that didn't seem to do any good. The roots grew really strong for like 2 weeks then kinda come to halt all together. Before I swap to the new nutrients I'm gonna do just ph balanced water for a week to flush. I apreciate the help.

Rkfm 05-25-2011 06:18 PM


Originally Posted by mwulvik (Post 7159)
I'm not sure how cucumbers came into play lol.

Sorry, meant the peppers of course. :)

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