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fintuckyfarms 02-02-2012 01:45 PM

2012 window garden
Started a few seeds today for a south facing window garden. Been researching online and there are two different systems that I like. One is just a floating raft bubbler in a window planter. The other one is a version of the windowfarms bottle garden. Might try both ;) gonna start with some herbs (new for me) and some spinage. Started the seeds in a paper towel tube cut into inch and half sections filled with pollyfill. Forgot how tiny those damm seeds are!

fintuckyfarms 02-09-2012 04:29 PM

So none of the seeds have sprouted in the pollyfill. May be that it's too cold or not moist enough, IDK. Gonna start some more in some paper towels with a little heat.

T'Mater 02-10-2012 12:06 AM

Is that Polyfill similar to the Sure to Grow cubes?

fintuckyfarms 02-10-2012 11:30 AM

Pollyfill is the fluffy stuff that goes in pillows or stuffed animals. Saw a post about it either here or on another site about starting seeds in it in place of other seeding mediums. Sounded good, but I didn't get it to work. I am going to try it again when it gets warmer.

GpsFrontier 02-10-2012 06:12 PM

Most seeds don't like to sprout unless the temp is about 80 degrees F. Though spinach I understand likes it much cooler, and will even sprout in the refrigerator. Though it can be hard to get spinach seeds to sprout at all, most people I've herd try get a very low germination rate if they sprout at all. I have tried both at warm temps, and cool temps, but never got any seeds to sprout. However I think the seeds were from a old pack.

fintuckyfarms 02-15-2012 08:49 PM

Started some more seeds today! I found a window sill starter kit that came with a dome. I started the seeds in some perlite in the south facing window. Gets the most heat in the house thru that window so i'm gonna try it without the heat mat. There has been sun for the last 2 days and the weather looks like its gonna be clear for the next few also. That should keep them warm enough to sprout. Crossing my fingers :p

fintuckyfarms 02-18-2012 06:56 PM

Added some heat on the 16th since the sun when away. Hopefully I will start to see some green soon!

fintuckyfarms 02-19-2012 10:23 PM

3 Attachment(s)
Soooo excited today! Came home after a long *** 12 hr shift and checked on the seedlings for my window farm and found 3 new babies. The blurry one is a baby spinach and I think the other 2 are rosemary.

fintuckyfarms 02-26-2012 10:39 AM

Had some more seeds sprout after I remove the hood, I think that it was too wet and some of the seedlings died. I now have several chives and some thyme that have sprouted. Starting seeds is my favorite part but also the most frustrating.

ovendoctor 02-26-2012 03:14 PM

seed starts
been starting herbs in rock wool cubes
just sprinkle the seed on the rock wool,wet it and place it in front of a heat register,,3-7 days later we have sprouts :)
right now we have tarragon,oregano, Basel, cilantro,dill,thyme
50 tomatoes 2'' tall
98 pepper seed's
98 tomato seeds
also been ordering from baker creek seed co.
and am very happy with the seeds received
Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds - 1400 heirloom garden seeds!

yup a busy year ahead


fintuckyfarms 03-02-2012 02:34 PM

6 Attachment(s)
Missed work today due the worst migrane ever.... but when I woke up from my Rx coma I found new babbies!!!! I purchased some 2" pots from the new store to start my window garden (just a small bubbler in a window planter) and all I need now is some stryofoam. I also started some more spinach seeds in a paper towel inside a siplock baggie, cant wait to see if it works cuz that is what I really want is some fresh spinach. So do people start spinach clones? I mean since they are so hard to start from seed.

ovendoctor 03-02-2012 04:08 PM

here's some tarragon that was planted in quart 1/2&1/2 bottles
using rockwool cubes


and some fresh cut Basel



fintuckyfarms 03-02-2012 08:48 PM

Wow, looks good. Can't wait to get the the harvest'n.

fintuckyfarms 03-19-2012 10:14 AM

So I think my herbs are big enough to go to their next home. I have the system built except a small hole for the air tube. So if the weather is too nasty to work on the strawberry towers I'm gonna transfer the herbs into their new bubbler system. I'm at work now, but will post picts later. Basically I just picked up a plastic window planter from Fred Meyers (hubby gets a discount there). There were indents where you could pop some holes in the bottom if you were planting soil, but I left them intact and made sure they did not leak. I cut a piece of foam with the shinny stuff on one side to fit and cut about 16 2" holes to fit my net pots. (drilled my finger just a tiny bit :eek:) I'm gonna fill them with some perlite and add my plants. LIke I said, I still need to drill a small hole on the side for the air tube, but I think I can get the whole thing done in about 15 minutes. I will have to rotate the whole thing every few days or the plants will deffinately list to the window side. Next I'm gonna build a mini tower for some spinach and hang it from a shower curtin rod that will fit snugly into the window frame. It will be a recirculating drip system. I have room for maybe 6. I want to try the pipe instead of the water bottle design I have seen on the web.

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