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boulder colorado 02-07-2009 12:57 AM

15 feet but yielded poorly
I did and indoor tomato which reached 15 feet but yielded poorly so i switched to coleus. The problem is that the new growth on a solid scarlet plant is quite pale. Any info on what nutrient i need to add to regain color?
archie demarest - boulder colorado.

Ron 02-07-2009 12:57 AM

I lean more toward the engineering side of building systems than how to grow plants in them. If you only new how bad I abuse my plants by not controlling the ph or feeding them strait water because I don't have time to mix up some fertilizer.
I can't kill a plant if I wanted to and the only reason I can think of is I build good gardens.
I promise myself to do a better job this season of keeping the right mix.

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