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doug7410 11-22-2013 12:50 PM

Hydroponic Basil and lavender Greenhouse setup help

I'm building a 12' x 20' hoop house. The highest point will be 8' tall. Here is a link to the plans so you can see what I'm working with. Greenhouse | Mike's Plans

I want to fill it with as much basil and lavender as I can. I'm looking for some advice as to what's the best setup to utilize the space I'm working with. I have some experience growing hydroponic basil in 10 gallon bins with 3" net pots in the lids. I don't want to use these on a larger scale because it would mean a lot of bins, water, and maintenance. I've seen pictures of systems made of PVC pipe and I'm thinking that might be the way to go.

Also, what are the best nutrients for growing the best tasting basil?

And advice or suggestions are appreciated.

Thank you.

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