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slig123 02-28-2011 02:57 AM

Dumb Basil Question
Hi All,

I'm just getting into hydroponic gardening and am in the process of building a DWC system (18 gallon containers, 3" netpots, 6 plants/container). At the same time I'm starting to sprout basil, spinach, and lettuce seeds.

My question is how many of each sprouted seed should I put into a single netpot? I'm pretty sure I should only put one lettuce seedling in each netpot, but what about the spinach and basil?

Thanks for your help!

halfway 02-28-2011 08:27 AM

One basil will quickly outgrow the lettuce as it did in my system. I had to trim it back almost daily and it became very thick.

2 lettuce per pot gets pretty cramped unless you harvest continuously. This newest DWC I am puting into use will have the lettuce thinned down to one plant per pot only. Pics on the blog.

Not sure on spinach.

cable24601 03-01-2011 06:23 PM

I would only put one seed per pot Basil will get really big on you. I just tried Lettuce in my DWC and it has overtaken the pot at only 1 week in. If you want I have a picture of the lettuce on my blog at week one. You can also see basil as one plant in hydro and 2 plants in soil. You will get what I mean by only wanting one plant

slig123 04-01-2011 01:52 AM

Lettuce and Basil Update
2 Attachment(s)
Hey All,

Thanks for your input. I just wanted to give you an update on how things were going. In my opinion the lettuce and basil plants are growing really well. That big basil in the background is about 8" tall and I'm planning on trimming it this weekend. I believe that one is cinnamon basil. The purple basil isn't growing nearly as fast for some reason, but I'm not too worried about it.

In the other picture is my lettuce which is also going strong. My plan is to let it keep growing and see how big it gets before eating any, but we'll see how long I can wait. In the middle are some new lettuce seedlings, some oregano, and some thyme.

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