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Permagrower 09-07-2014 09:21 AM

distance from light to plants
Hi long time lurker and a first time poster here :)

I'm setting up a hydroponic kitchen garden inside my kitchen. I will be growing herbs and salad. I just bought a CLF 125 w, 6400 K lamp and a reflector LUMii® MAXii Reflector. What is the maximum distance I can hang the lights above the plants? As I mentioned I will be growing herbs and salads.

Stan 09-08-2014 09:52 AM

When I used lights I usually try to get them within a few inches from the top of the plants as long as the light doesn't get hot. If the light gets hot you need to put it higher. If you have a window in the kitchen that gets direct sunlight I wouldn't even use a light.

Permagrower 09-08-2014 05:54 PM

How powerful were the lights you were using?

I live in the far north so a light is a necessity during the winter months when there are only a few hours of daylight (5 hours during the shortest day).

Stan 09-08-2014 10:53 PM

When I grew tomatoes in the winter months I used a 600wt light in a grow tent but it wasn't really worth the price I paid in electric bill. How many plants are you planning to grow? If it's only a few plants of herbs and lettuce you could probably do so with fluorescent type lights suspended just above the plants. I've seen grow lights for fluorescent type fixtures and it won't be expensive with electric bill.

Permagrower 09-09-2014 08:04 AM

1 Attachment(s)
I have already bought the light I will be using. You can see the specs in my original post. I will be growing a fair amount of herbs and salads. I was wondering how far above the plants I would have to hang the light. I've attached a pic of part of my setup. I plan on adding to it. I'm currently waiting for my seedlings to be large enough to be transplanted.

Stan 09-09-2014 08:20 PM

With any lights you set them up as close to the plants as possible. If the bulb generates lot's of heat the adjust the light higher so you don't burn the tops of the plants. If it's a cool running light it should be within a few inches of the tops higher if it doesn't cover all the plants.

MrHighdro 12-15-2014 03:24 PM

Yep closer is generally better as long as you dont burn or light bleach them. Putting small lights really close means youll have to adjust them almost every day

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