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stuartambient 02-10-2010 09:31 AM

Lettuce question
I finally got my first hydro gardening experiment up and running. Basically an aerating bubbler system. It has 9 pots in a styrofoam raft and 480 wequivalent Full Spectrum CFL's (across 2 bulbs)

I used Rapid Rooters which fit quite nicely in the 2" net pot. Now , I was under the assumption that 60-70F was good temperature with a drop down to 55F at "night". What I didn't consider was the germination process. Now I read somewhere that lettuce germination should take place with water temps in the 40's.

1 plant has emerged with some tiny little strong looking leaves. I can see a few other seeds that are morphing. A few others are too difficult too see due to the depth of the Rapid Rooters. I'm wondering should I drop the water temp down ? I've been maintaining it was an aquarium heater. Otherwise the natural temp is about 60F.

This is now the 4th day since planting.


eduardomachado 02-10-2010 09:56 AM

I'm in the same boat as you, starting in Hydroponics.. I live in Puerto Rico, so our temps are no were close to 60-70 and my lettuce seeds germinated in like 5-6 days...

They are a little slow but they germinate... mines are up and running :)... just waiting till they are ready to transplant

stuartambient 02-10-2010 09:59 AM


Originally Posted by eduardomachado (Post 4174)
just waiting till they are ready to transplant

why transplant ? How did you start them ?

Amigatec 02-10-2010 06:29 PM

I start mine in peat pellets and have had no problem with them. I started spinach last fall by direct sowing them in the hydroton, I just sprinkled them on top and let the E&F do the rest.

stuartambient 02-10-2010 06:36 PM


Originally Posted by Amigatec (Post 4176)
I start mine in peat pellets and have had no problem with them. I started spinach last fall by direct sowing them in the hydroton, I just sprinkled them on top and let the E&F do the rest.

So many variations. These Rapid Rooters are pretty deep, like I said they fill the entire 2" net pot. I think there are some things brewing slightly below a place my eyes can really get a good look at.
The medium itself drank up nearly a gallon of water from 9 of them.

Amigatec 02-10-2010 08:33 PM

The thing ti remember about the peat pellets is go very easy on the water, you will kill your seeds easily with to much water.

stuartambient 02-10-2010 08:41 PM


Originally Posted by Amigatec (Post 4181)
The thing ti remember about the peat pellets is go very easy on the water, you will kill your seeds easily with to much water.

Well I will wait and see. We're on day 5. I guess whatever doesn't appear in a few more days is lost ?

stuartambient 02-11-2010 11:10 AM


Originally Posted by Amigatec (Post 4181)
The thing ti remember about the peat pellets is go very easy on the water, you will kill your seeds easily with to much water.

I wonder if I did kill my seeds. Hard to tell, but one has been coming along, stretching out 2 leaves. A few others are hard too see but there might be germination going on. Is it okay to left the net pot out of the solution and inspect ?


stella 04-14-2010 06:58 PM

I would start the seeds in the grow cubes in a warm nursery flat, then transplant them to the raft when roots start growing through the cube. 40 degrees is too cold, keep the nutrient solution in the 60s-70's. As long as the ambient temp is cool too, you should have no problem growing lettuce this way.

stuartambient 04-14-2010 07:43 PM


Originally Posted by stella (Post 4546)
I would start the seeds in the grow cubes in a warm nursery flat, then transplant them to the raft when roots start growing through the cube. 40 degrees is too cold, keep the nutrient solution in the 60s-70's. As long as the ambient temp is cool too, you should have no problem growing lettuce this way.

I did this on the 2nd go around and it's working good now.

Thank you,

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