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Scott 02-10-2009 02:58 AM

what variety of toms you have the best luck
Hi Ron

ive been a long time viewer of your web site and enjoy it very much. Definitely the best hydro site on the web, congrats on your success with it. I have started up a system for tomatoes and wanted to know if you could tell me what variety of toms you have the best luck with and if they are indeterminate or determinate.

Thanx alot Scott

Ron 02-10-2009 02:59 AM

I use what ever they are selling at my local nursery. Big Boy, Better Boy, Heat Wave, Roma. But I am partial to Super Bush a stocky patio type that only grows about four feet by maturity. And they can be grown in the 2-liter systems or the gallon drip systems.
I am sure if I ordered the expressive real hydroponic seeds I would get higher yields but first I got to finish my greenhouse as soon as this cold weather is over. We have had more freezes this year than in the last 5 years.

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