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BH242 01-31-2015 10:56 PM

Aquarium Gravel as a media
Hey again guys, since down here Hydrocorn is expensive and hard to find, I;ve opted for cheaper aquarium gravel as a grow media, I haven;t bought it yet, but is there anything I should watch out for or any problems when compared to other media?

GpsFrontier 02-01-2015 03:29 AM

You'll need to make sure to water frequently. The clay pellets are porous and hold moisture, most rocks/plebes are not. All the water will drain off the rocks very quickly (especially smooth rocks) compared to most every other type of growing media. I usually use rock at the bottom of my containers to aid drainage so the growing media I like to use most of the time (coco coir) is not sitting in water getting saturated. Just make sure you design it so you keep plenty of moisture in the root zone at all times, or the roots will dry out and the plants will wilt and then die. To see what I mean fill a container (with lots of holes in the bottom) with some of the gravel/rock and soak it. Then wait 20-30 minutes and dump it out to see how little moisture is left. Combine that with the plants sucking up moisture as well and it will disappear even faster. I would think you should be able to get coco coir (coconut husk) fairly easily in the Bahamas.

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