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pengyou 11-23-2013 12:50 AM

Hydroponic fruit in an apartment?
Are there any kinds of fruits that can be grown in hp that have a relatively short yield time - a few months? I know of strawberries...are there others?

GpsFrontier 11-23-2013 08:53 AM

what is a "HP"??

pengyou 11-23-2013 11:58 AM

HP=hydroponics ;)

GpsFrontier 11-26-2013 05:32 AM

Sorry I guess I am just an old fart, I don't understand the shorthand the kids are using these day's. In my world HP stands for Hewlett Packard.

What kind of space do you have to work with? Do you have room for veining plants to grow on a trellis? What type of fruit do you like to eat? There is no point in growing a crop you don't want to eat. Melon's come to mind, but need a trellis to grow on etc... Even some varieties of raspberries are seasonal. What do you like to eat, and what space do you have to work with? It really comes down to that.

pengyou 11-26-2013 05:37 AM

Thanks. I have room for vines to grow...so I guess I can do watermelons, cantaloupes, strawberries. I don't have room for trees at this point - need to stick to something that yields the first year.

247Garden 01-14-2014 07:26 PM

Would love to see some pictures

DanHass 07-01-2014 02:17 PM

Water-loving fruits such as melons can be grown hydroponically and have average yield time. Watermelons, tomatoes and cantaloupes are the best choice for your hydroponic garden. Regardless of the temperature outside, you can grow them any time in a year. Last but not the least, tomatoes are the most popular fruit grown hydroponically.

The real advantage with them is very short yield time, that is, nearly eight weeks earlier than most other fruits. Interestingly, you can get the same or even higher produce than soil by using a quality nutrient solution and maintaining it.

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