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Naviaras 01-31-2011 05:14 PM

Responsible Gardening
With everything we hear now days about the damage to the environment by fertilizer runoff into our lakes, streams and groundwater; what is the best way of disposing or recycling our used nutrient solutions? :confused:

Freshwater 01-31-2011 05:46 PM


I water my house plants, and outdoor plants anytime I have to "discard" any nutrients. For the inside plants I will usually cut the nutrient 50% with tap water. I do not...p.h. balance "waste nutrient".

My plants thrive, I have noticed a huge difference since switching from using something like a miracle grow product and such.


Naviaras 01-31-2011 06:51 PM

I worry about toxic build up of nutrients when watering household plants. Since in a pot there is no where for unused nutrients to go.

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