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fintuckyfarms 07-27-2012 08:15 PM

Third fair display
1 Attachment(s)
This third system is really a two for one. The top two pips are NTF with 3" baskets and the bottom two are flood and drain with pea gravel. System is working great and I will add the plants in the next couple of days after hardening them off the best I can. 70* from inside my house to 90* to 100 outside temps. Had a small delay as my husband had a cardiac event this week and spent some time in the hospital. He got out late last night and today is down at the river for the hydro races.... MEN. I still have to build the insulated cover for the nute barell but it's working perfect!

fintuckyfarms 07-31-2012 01:00 AM

Finished the nutes insulated box and got the system pumping. Transplanted the carrots tonight but it got too dark to do anything more. I will finish the system tomorrow and post picts.

GpsFrontier 07-31-2012 08:14 AM

It looks like a real nice system. The first thumbnail picture you posted wont open for me. So all I can see so far is the small thumbnail pic, but it looks nice. Hope things are better for your husband now...

fintuckyfarms 07-31-2012 10:34 PM

2 Attachment(s)
About the pictures, I can't get them to post from my I-pad so I uploaded them to photobucket but those will not open; technology.

I got the system planted, the carrots are a little shocky but I think they will pull thru. Peppers are doing great!

Husband was relased from the hospital but is still have some chest pressure and discomfort. They are going to run some more tests. I also went into the hospital the day after he got released. Thought I was having apendicitis but it's just some complications from all of my abdomanal surgies and I have to go see a specialist. Taking life day by day :)

GpsFrontier 08-01-2012 03:32 AM

Another great looking system (the pictures opened up for me this time). I see you used pipe insulation and white duct tape to insulate the hoses. I think that was a great idea. I did a very similar thing myself. The above ground hose line that feeds/runs to my water line to the greenhouse, I did the same thing to. The only difference is in my case I used two layers of pipe insulation. But it gets over 120 degrees here. Then just my luck (of course), as soon as I taped it all up with the last of my white duct tape, the coupler started to leak. I ran it for two days first just to check for leaks. But no, it leaks only when I had to cut it all off to fix it. Now I need to buy more white duct tape , pipe insulation, as well as some good hose clamps.

I cant complain though. You have gone through more in the last year then I have in my lifetime. On top of that you have a job where you on the front lines, and hear nothing but all the bad things that go on in your city. But yet, you always have the best outlook on life. I cant help but admire that. I wish you luck...

fintuckyfarms 08-02-2012 12:20 AM

Thanks for the good thoughts. Typing this from the emergency room waiting room as my IV site has become infected. Noticed it too late for the walk in clinic because I was at the vet all afternoon with my elderly sheep. She is not doing so well but hopefully will pull through. Went to dinner because it was too late to cook something and on the way home noticed my arm was red and swollen. Perfect ending to a rotten day and another day delayed from finishing the fair displays. So thanks for the kind words, but today SUCKS!

fintuckyfarms 08-09-2012 09:08 PM

2 Attachment(s)
Well the last two weeks have been hell with medical issues and my pet sheep dying. I took a couple of extra days off work and have got a lot done on the fair projects. Should have all the systems COMPLETELY done tomorrow then I just have to make the educational posters and handouts. I got my business cards a few days ago to give out to promote the hydro club and they look really nice. I will see if I can get a pict to post.

So this system is doing well, I checked the PH today and it was extremly low for no apparent reason (usually have really high PH). I noticed a small leak in the drain tube so I have been adding water almost everyday so it should have been high, IDK. I gave it some PH UP which I've never had to do before.

The corn is looking a little burnt from the 104 record high we had yesterday but new stuff is growing out of the center. Did I tell you this is the first time I've grown corn? Learning lots. I have been able to keep the nute temps down by adding frozen water in closed containers twice a day. The zuchinni has doubled in size and is looking really good. I just have to fix the leak tonight and tape the pipe insulation with the white tape and its done.

GpsFrontier 08-13-2012 04:28 AM

Nice cards! I hope it takes off.

fintuckyfarms 08-17-2012 04:56 PM

5 Attachment(s)
This display is really taking off. It's doing so well that I put the plants from the bubbler system in it to keep them cool.

I have tomato flowers and baby peppers and the flowers are starting to open for the squash. (I thought they were dead cuz the chickens got to them and they looked like they had dampening off, but they are growing)

Anthony 09-07-2012 06:09 AM

It seems like first fair display because the first fair display is also like this anyways this is also very good
and i am thinking to send this to my friends for their information and store this in my PC for my

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