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Old 01-26-2013, 10:00 AM
CAPT38 CAPT38 is offline
Join Date: Jan 2011
Posts: 51

Not sure how to use the quote option.... sorry you have to read the whole thing.

Heres a link that better explains Biota

Life on Earth

A Dictionary of Earth Sciences | 1999 | AILSA ALLABY and MICHAEL ALLABY | Copyright

biota: The living organisms occupying a place together, e.g. marine biota, terrestrial biota.

Pathogens are not life supporting organisims but life threatening, thats why the virus is next to the tree and not on the tree, the reasoning being it would kill the tree.

heres a link that shows the symbiotic relationship between microbial biota and a species of grass.

Assessment of microbial biota associated with rhizosphere of wheat (Triticum aestivum) during flowering stage and their plant growth promoting traits. - ISPUB

This is the difference in microbiota and pathogens:
First to define the two>
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microbiota /mi·cro·bi·o·ta/ (-bi-ōt´ah) (microfauna, microflora) The smallest soil organisms, comprising bacteria, fungi, algae, and protozoa. the microscopic living organisms of a region. Called also microbial flora. <<< Life

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[path-uh-juhn, ‐jen]
any disease-producing agent, especially a virus, bacterium, or other microorganism. Pathogen, infectious agent is a biological agent that causes death, disease or illness to its host. (pathogen, opportunistic), an infectious agent that can only cause disease when the host's resistance is low. < death

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Flora and Fauna / The flora and fauna of any given region are usually explained in biological terms to include the genus and species of plant and animal life, their preferred growing or breeding habits, and their connection to one another in the environment as well. In addition to geographical groupings, environment also helps further their classification. For example, aquatic flora and fauna of a region refers to the plant and animal life found in the waters in or surrounding a geographic region. < biota (life)
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Ok so this is where we are at so far in hydroponics from a biological stand point when refering to what is refered to as (biota)>>

In hydroponics we have created a living soiless enviroment for plants to grow. now lets look at the components of our hydroponics garden systems and compare them to a soil based garden.

Hydroponic = artifical rhizosphere
A. Media = (no nutient value)
B. nutrient rich water (nutrient value)
C. reservoir, media with water & nutes= ( steril rhizosphere)

soils natural rhizosphere

A. Dirt ( nutrient value) due to microfauna ie. nematodes, fungi, and bacteria.
B. water ( no nutrient value unless fertlizer is added)
C. The ground,, earth, soil (see figure A)
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The rhizosphere is the narrow region of soil that is directly influenced by root secretions and associated soil microorganisms. Soil which is not part of the rhizosphere is known as bulk soil. The rhizosphere contains many bacteria that feed on sloughed-off plant cells, termed rhizodeposition, and the proteins and sugars released by roots. Protozoa and nematodes that graze on bacteria are also more abundant in the rhizosphere. Thus, much of the nutrient cycling and disease suppression needed by plants occurs immediately adjacent to roots.
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( humor me, lets say its a brand new hydroponic system)
We in essence have created a artifical rhizosphere in hydroponics with a reservoir and media and the presence of (biota) is absent at first, that is if we havent used any microbial additives, or we are using an organic nute and then again its not present right away, it will take a little time for it to find its way into your system, more than likely if your system is outdoors (biota) will appear in your system much faster then say a system that is indoors.

Last edited by CAPT38; 01-27-2013 at 07:22 AM.
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