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Old 01-28-2010, 06:55 PM
GpsFrontier GpsFrontier is offline
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Especially if you don't know for sure, rash in assumption or simply anticipate wrongly. Is that really asking too much? Don't you see by yourself that you are mostly wrong with your keen guesswork?
Again, anything anyone else says must be wrong if you don't agree. You still can't get around assuming things are guesswork. Its only guesswork to you, what you don"t understand is that anything you say is simply guesswork to me. Just because you say so, does not make it so. That is truly a sign of someone who demands respect, and just a few steeps away from being a dictator.
You really like to chat, with or without respect, with or without knowlegde
Well, I guess I do like to chat. Although only about things that I'm interested in, and want to learn about. That's why people use forums in the first place. Only it's called conversation, that is a back and forth of ideas and opinions. Otherwise it's called reading a book. I have learned quite a bit about hydroponics in the last year, but still I don't proclaim to be an expert in hydroponics. In fact I regularly state "I am not an expert". If I need a degree in hydroponics to speak, lets see your degree. Nothing that can easily be forged, or is just hearsay will be excepted.
If it doesn't fit, you can always bend it until it does. But not me.
That's a laugh. You must not remember all the past posts that you have done exactly that to. Making up things out of statements that were never said nor meant, then belittling people for it for your own amusement. You just referred to that as your sense of humor, yet I found nothing humorous nor useful in it.
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