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Old 04-13-2012, 07:57 AM
hammerpamf hammerpamf is offline
Join Date: May 2011
Posts: 34

Once I was doing a small, experimental design to test the efficacy of tomato growing in a sawdust/perlite media mix. While the seedlings grew fine in the early stages, things got sticky when I went to transplant into larger buckets. Running low on sawdust, I picked up a small bag of the additive-free sawdust kitty litter at the local pet store. Needless to say, the clumping compound wasn't considered an additive and clumped away. The plants with the non-litter sawdust/perlite performed fine, while the plants in the litter sawdust/perlite media mix met an early demise - either through poor drainage and hypoxia or possibly chemical toxicity from the clumping compound.
Just for the record - my cat loves the sawdust litter...
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