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Old 04-22-2010, 04:03 AM
Luches Luches is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2009
Posts: 177

Seasonal planting applies for most crops and around the world, it has always been and still is what experienced and smart people do locally. It's part of what is called adapting and "collaborating" with nature.

We are talking 45-50° C here, - that's up to 122° Fahrenheit right?
For the sake of it, be reasonable and realistic and forget about contradicting me for one time!

No way to talk around or giving analogies from other cases that will certainly not apply here. No expert would ever recommend growing strawberries or tomato in soil or in hydroponics under temperatures reaching 122° Fahrenheit, or agree to install what ever it takes to lower temperatures to fit the crops. For beginners and amateurs that haven't the toolset and experience, it would certainly end up in a waste of time and some kind or the other of disaster .

You can always install and build whatever it takes to "fight nature"- IF you can and want to go down that road by all means. But in some cases like this, the price (in a large sense) would be much to high. In small scale it wouldn't be reasonable and rentable anyway - and big scale would only be justified and rentable when expected market value/price would truly justify the work, the technical means and the total investment.

In some cases not even trying is the problem, but in many others trying the impossible and irrational becomes even a bigger problem ;-)

The sheep is the one who follows blindly and listens to what is told easily - while the Black Sheep is the one who principally doesn't listen to anyone and doesn't ever admit any error. It does strictly everything his/her own way even if a thousand experts and 2000 specialists are making the contrary more than obvious, even if the whole family and all friends say differently. This kind of sheep can't see further than the end of its nose, I believe.

Last edited by Luches; 04-22-2010 at 04:22 AM.
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