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bigwhale 12-06-2013 11:49 AM

Funky lettuce check out picts
4 Attachment(s)
Have a very small system . 5 gal bucket system flooded. Bubbler, 150 watt CFL 6500k about 9- 12 inches above plants can feel some warmth on foam , rock wool media with cutouts in 1inch foam, and root baskets. used mircle grow tomatoe version mixed half of what the directions say,if mixed full caused 1st set of plants(which were pulled ) to have leaf burn (yellow tips). Lettuce and radish plants. 2 of each. Radish loves it and grows leafy but not real dark green leaves,and many clean white roots. Lettuce grows slowly and very dark green leaves, with smaller roots, roots are white and healthy, Total PPM is about 600 with our tap having about 75 PPM. PH is about 6.9 They are both in the same bucket. Same light source, 12 hrs per day on timer. about 67 F air temp.Noticed new leaves with the crotch of plants are curling downward and black brown tips. leaves appear and feel hard and chrinckly on tip areas. Mostly on lettuce. Water is mostly clear and has very slight earthy oder .No visible alge present. Whats going on here? Thanks

fintuckyfarms 12-11-2013 06:05 AM

Well, not sure exactly but the pH is a little higher then I run at. I tend to run lettuce at 5.5 to 6.0 and I never run the nutes more then 1/4 strength of what they say on the bottle.
Also miracle grow is ment to "enhance" the soil. You may need to add micro nutrients that the plants are not getting in the hydro unit. Fertilizers like miracle grow are not intended for hydro systems. Better to stick with a hydroponic nutrient that has all the components the plants need.
Maybe you will get some more answers soon...

bigwhale 12-11-2013 09:22 AM

I understand that miracle grow is a basically junk food for your plants but the soluble solution does have the trace minerals needed for plant growth. Its mentioned on the box along with the other big 3. P K N. I have seen other posts and youtube videos with persons using the product with no issues. I am leaning toward some kind of nutrient deficiency since its only on the tips similar to the way when you overfeed a plant and the tips become brown, but in this case they are black. Thanks again!

fintuckyfarms 12-12-2013 06:47 PM

You can take one of the plants to your local master gardener clinics and the can send it away for evaluation. Will need a plat that has both healthy and affected areas. Should be listed in the county section of your phone book

bigwhale 12-12-2013 07:08 PM

thanks pal. ill see if anyone else here has suggestuons or experienced this while bringung the plants to local extention agent. i figured someone would possibly have same problem.

HydroExplorer 04-17-2014 02:36 PM


Looks like K overdose or Calcium/Traces deficiency.

Miracle grow doesn't work for hydroponics. It is designed to supplement things that are generally found in soil so it will be really off balance in a hydro system where you don't have the things found in soil.

Check out this youtube video where someone tried 3 nutrients side by side where one of them was miracle grow. LOL


Hydroponics is chemistry. You have to do things right or you end up with "lock out"... compounds that plant roots can't absorb.

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