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(B-56s) Lionel Postwar 3662 Automatic Refrigerated Milk Car For Sale

(B-56s) Lionel Postwar 3662 Automatic Refrigerated Milk Car
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(B-56s) Lionel Postwar 3662 Automatic Refrigerated Milk Car:

(B-56s) Lionel Postwar 3662 Automatic Refrigerated Milk Car

This listing is for a Lionel postwar 3662 operating automatic refrigerated milk car. This is a very nice operating car it has been tested with a control track and controller and it throws the little milk cans out really well. It has the correct bar end trucks with tab couplers. The coupler springs are strong and the couplers lock closed.

Sorry there are no milk cans with this car.

The worst you could say about this car is it may have a slight smudge here and there from dirty hands handling it. But I do not see any issues with touchups oxidation or rust. The graphics are nice and I see nothing bent, broken or warped. Naturally it has both shoes to activate the mechanism on a control track and the couplers lock close. Really bright and new and I would say not far from collector quality.

Thank you for your interest!

A couple of months before and after Christmas I open up my store to downsize and sell off some of my husband’s trains from his collection of many years (I have done this for about three Christmases now because my husband is ill). I look at what my items sell for at sale paying particular attention to the condition. Not tested, not described well, important details that are not mentioned all hurt the value. So I will take the time to point out anything that is not nice or broken damaged or not working properly, and I carefully look over each piece and test any operating features. I test everything, and I provide a copy of instructions when I have them. Not tested is usually a cop-out for knowing something is wrong but trying to avoid mentioning it for your simply lazy and you don’t feel it is worth your time it’s worth your time, maybe, for some other reason. But, if something is not right, I specifically mention it and therefore I think if you compare on a price value basis of items that sold in the conditions that I describe you are receiving a fair value for your money.

Secondly I would really like to see more people avail themselves of buying multiple items and saving on shipping. If something cannot be combined safely as an example of a heavy transformer can shift and break a plastic shell on a rolling car even when well packed. But, there are many other instances where for no extra money or for a minimal amount of money a second, third, or fourth etc. item can be sent. With little or no extra shipping costs. In those instances where you have selected multiple items instead of paying right away use the email feature in and request an invoice. In turn I will promptly pack the items and send you an invoice, and very rarely will this be the same amount of money if purchased and paid for separately. And it will absolutely never be more if it which is where to turn out that way I will incur the extra cost. I am a firm believer in treating other people as I would wish to be treated myself. Therefore if you have any problem whatsoever I really would appreciate it if you would address it to me.

I do consider US military in APOs to be a US address. Thank you for your selfless service! Otherwise, I do not sell to any overseas buyers, I no longer make any exceptions, please if you are a non-US overseas, do not even ask me to send something, for example, Italy, Australia etc.. If you use a stateside address/person for re-shipping to overseas I am not responsible for any items you have re-ship overseas.

Please contact me before you leave any less than all numerical 5 responses so that any issue you have with your purchase can be resolved.

Payment is expected within 7 days unless other arrangements are made prior to sale.

Thank you for your interest in my items.

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