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It’s easy to think of the nutrient solution as just a bunch of nutrients floating around in some water, and for the most part that’s just what it is. Although, there’s more going on than just that. The nutrient solution is made up of many mineral elements, most of which have either a positive […]
We all want to get the biggest yields, as well as the best tasting produce from our plants that we can. After all isn’t that why we grow them in the first place? But often we can overlook some basic things that affect our plants growth, as well as the quality of what they […]
With all the different brands of nutrients on the market today, the question always comes up, witch ones to get for the best performance? But growing good, productive, healthy plants is more complicated than just simply picking a good quality brand of nutrients for the type of plants you want to grow. There are […]
Aquaponics, also known as the integration of hydroponics with aqua culture, is gaining increased attention as a bio-integrated food production system. Hydroponics and aquaponics are close and often considered the same, but there are some distinct differences. With aquaponics, fish and plants are grown together in one integrated living soil-less ecosystem. The biggest difference […]
There are so many different manufactures of hydroponic nutrients on the market, and you always here the question which nutrients work best. While the answer to that is really based on what plants your growing, simply because some nutrients are formulated for specific types of plants, and some nutrients are formulated for general use. […]
With any hydroponic nutrient solution, there can sometimes be unwanted pathogens, bacteria and/or fungi that can grow out of control in it. It’s not uncommon for these disease and viruses causing microbes to be in the nutrient solution. In fact, it’s very common for many different pathogens, bacteria, and fungi to be in the […]
This is part 2 of the following article: Is your nutrient solution healthy, Part 1 Problems with a generally trouble free hydroponic system happens to most growers on occasion. Algae growth is the most common and easy to detect in the nutrient reservoir. But problems can also be hidden down in the root zone […]
There are many things that can cause problems in your nutrient solutions, other than just the elements themselves. Algae grows in many different colors, furry growth on the growing media and in the nutrient solution, strings of jelly and slime, bad odors, fungus and insect larvae are all problems that can affect the nutrient […]
Ever thought about using and/or making your own compost tea? Compost tea’s have been around and used for century’s, they are used for both a fertilizer’s and to help prevent plant diseases. They are also used for both hydroponically grown plants as well as soil grown plants. Because the nutrients and beneficial bacteria are […]
Nutrient deficiency or toxicity symptoms often differ among species and varieties of plants. A nutrient deficiency occurs when the nutrient is not in sufficient enough quantities to meet the needs of the growing plant. Nutrient toxicity occurs when a plants nutrients are in excess and decreases the plants growth or quality. Nutrition in Hydroponics […]